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Combined Use of Adaptive Optics and Calibrometry in Retinal Vein Occlusion Prognosis in Venous Occlusion of Fellow Eye in Patients with Refraction Anomalies

Combined Use of Adaptive Optics and Calibrometry in Retinal Vein Occlusion Prognosis in Venous Occlusion of Fellow Eye in Patients with Refraction Anomalies

Stepushina О.А., Bolshunov А.V., Smetankin I.G.
Key words: calibrometry, adaptive optics, angioretinopathy.
2012, issue 2, page 109.

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The aim of the investigation is to study the diagnostic value of combined use of an adaptive multispectral fundus-camera and calibrometry for retinal vein occlusion prediction in patients with venous retinal occlusion and refraction anomalies on the fellow eye.

Materials and Methods. 30 patients with retinal vein occlusion on the fellow eye were examined using combination of an adaptive optics and calibrometry.

Results. The use of adaptive multispectral fundus-camera and calibrometry calculating arteriolovenular coefficient is an informative technique for retinal vein occlusion prediction in patients with venous retinal occlusion on the fellow eye. If the coefficient calculated is lower 0.73, venous embolism is likely to develop.

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Stepushina О.А., Bolshunov А.V., Smetankin I.G. Combined Use of Adaptive Optics and Calibrometry in Retinal Vein Occlusion Prognosis in Venous Occlusion of Fellow Eye in Patients with Refraction Anomalies. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2012; (2): 109

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