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The Use of Plazmaferez in the Treatment of Chronic Placental Insufficiency in Pregnant Women with Urogenital Infection

The Use of Plazmaferez in the Treatment of Chronic Placental Insufficiency in Pregnant Women with Urogenital Infection

Shevchenko Е.А., Uspenskaya O.A., Kondyurov I.M., Kurylev V.V., Moiseev D.N.
Key words: chronic placental insufficiency, CPI, plazmapheresis, urogenital infection.
2012, issue 2, page 118.

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The aim of the investigation is to prove the use of plazmapherez in pregnant women with combination of chronic placental insufficiency and urogenital infection.

Materials and Methods. There were examined 190 pregnant women with chronic active urogenital infection and chronic placental insufficiency in whom current therapy was inefficient. The diagnostics included the clinical and laboratory methods. There was used polymerase chain reaction in real time, and enzyme-linked immunoassay.

Results. Plasmapheresis was stated to improve significantly the blood flow in “mother–placenta–child” system by extraction of pathologic metabolites from liquid media, oxidation-reduction process activation, and hemostasis normalization. The use of plasmapheresis to treat chronic placental insufficiency in pregnant women with urogenital infection enables to increase the therapy efficiency. It leads to no allergization, and minimizes the infection negative effect on the organism of the mother and the fetus.

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Shevchenko Е.А., Uspenskaya O.A., Kondyurov I.M., Kurylev V.V., Moiseev D.N. The Use of Plazmaferez in the Treatment of Chronic Placental Insufficiency in Pregnant Women with Urogenital Infection. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2012; (2): 118

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