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The Relationship of Synthesis Intensity, Accumulation and Secretion of Natriuretic Peptide of Atrial Myocytes with Cardiac Rhythm Regulation in Rats in Early Postperfusion Period

The Relationship of Synthesis Intensity, Accumulation and Secretion of Natriuretic Peptide of Atrial Myocytes with Cardiac Rhythm Regulation in Rats in Early Postperfusion Period

Bugrova М.L., Yakovleva Е.I., Abrosimov D.А.
Key words: atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), cardiac rhythm regulation, cardiac rhythm variability, early postperfusion period.
2012, issue 3, page 26.

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The aim of the investigation is to assess the relationship of the intensity of synthesis processes, accumulation and secretion of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) of atrial myocytes with cardiac rhythm regulation in rats in early postperfusion period.

Materials and Methods. The experiments were carried out on 25 white nonlinear male rats of 200–250 g. Total ischemia (10 min) was simulated by the compression of cardiovascular bunch according to V.G. Korpachev technique. The cardiac regulation level in post-perfusion period was determined by the cardiac rhythm variability indices. The intensity of synthesis processes, accumulation and secretion of ANP was estimated using morphometric analysis of immunoreactive labelled granules of atrial myocytes.

Conclusion. Short-term increase of arterial pressure and the activation of sympathoadrenal, pituitary-adrenal and rennin-angiotensin systems have no effect on ANP synthesis and secretion in right atrial myocytes in the first moments of postperfusion period. On the 60th minute of cardiac functioning on intracardial level, there was found high intensity of synthesis processes, accumulation and secretion of ANP in atrial myocytes due to stimulating effect of hypoxic and ischemic factors in this period.

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Bugrova М.L., Yakovleva Е.I., Abrosimov D.А. The Relationship of Synthesis Intensity, Accumulation and Secretion of Natriuretic Peptide of Atrial Myocytes with Cardiac Rhythm Regulation in Rats in Early Postperfusion Period. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2012; (3): 26

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