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The Possibilities of Forensic Dentistry in Ethnicity Identification

The Possibilities of Forensic Dentistry in Ethnicity Identification

Romodanovsky P.О., Bisharyan М.S., Barinov Е.Kh.
Key words: dentomaxillar system, personal identification, ethnicity.
2012, issue 3, page 50.

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There have been studied the possibilities of forensic dentistry application for individual ethnic identification by the example of the analysis of dentomaxillar system features of the population of the Republic of Armenia. Complex study included clinical, morphometric, X-ray techniques and statistical analysis. The obtained data were correlated with the data of other ethnic groups living in North Caucasus, and Russian population. The investigation results after statistical data manipulation showed ethnicity to be likely identified according to the specified measurements of tooth width, height, and thickness. The study carried out can be used for ethnicity identification.


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Romodanovsky P.О., Bisharyan М.S., Barinov Е.Kh. The Possibilities of Forensic Dentistry in Ethnicity Identification. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2012; (3): 50

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