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Theoretical Model of Effective Drainage for Refractory Glaucoma Surgery

Theoretical Model of Effective Drainage for Refractory Glaucoma Surgery

Gavrilova I.А., Chuprov А.D., Treushnikov V.М.
Key words: intraocular fluid, intraocular pressure, refractory glaucoma, glaucoma surgery.
2012, issue 3, page 93.

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The aim of the investigation is to develop a theoretical model for the effective drainage of refractory glaucoma surgery.

Materials and Methods. According to the literature and on the basis of our own clinical observations, there were analyzed the reasons for the low results of drainage systems for glaucoma surgery in long-term postoperative period and formulated the requirements to be met for effective glaucoma drainage.

Results. We developed a theoretical model of the valve corresponding to these requirements. The effective drainage for surgery of refractory glaucoma should have the following characteristics: lack of toxicity, biological inertness, regulated outflow of the aqueous humor, small size, barrier for proliferation or fixation of fibroblasts, easy storage and transportation, a simple technique of implantation. The developed theoretical valve model satisfies the demands and can be used in ophthalmology.

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Gavrilova I.А., Chuprov А.D., Treushnikov V.М. Theoretical Model of Effective Drainage for Refractory Glaucoma Surgery. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2012; (3): 93

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