Effectiveness of Incomplete Myocardial Revascularization in Chronic Coronary Occlusions
The aim of the investigation was to assess the effectiveness of incomplete and complete myocardial revascularization in patients with multivessel disease of coronary circulation combined with chronic total occlusion (CTO) localized in the right or left coronary artery.
Material and Methods. There were analyzed the results of interventions in 80 patients (60 male (75%) and 20 female (25%)) aged 37–76 years (mean age 53.9±2.8 years) with CTO. Incomplete revascularization was performed in 40 patients, complete revascularization — in 40 cases. Echocardiography findings of left ventricular function were compared in both groups before and after incomplete and complete endovascular revascularization.
Results. Twelve months after incomplete and complete revascularization there was found significant improvement or normalization of left ventricular myocardial function in both groups compared to basic data. The results of incomplete myocardial revascularization one year after the intervention turned out to be as effective as those after CTO recanalization.
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