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The Study of Organ Hemodynamics in Patients with Hepatic Mass Lesions by Duplex Scanning and Tetrapolar Rheohepatography

The Study of Organ Hemodynamics in Patients with Hepatic Mass Lesions by Duplex Scanning and Tetrapolar Rheohepatography

Kotelnikova L.P., Budyanskaya I.M., Kitaeva I.E., Popov A.V.
Key words: hepatic mass lesions; hepatic failure; hepatic hemodynamics.
2012, issue 4, page 59.

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The aim of the investigation is to estimate the possibilities of application of duplex scanning of hepatic blood flow and tetrapolar rheohepatography to foresee hepatic failure in patients after hepatectomy.

Materials and Methods. There were examined 159 patients with hepatic mass lesions of diffuse etiology. By the means of duplex scanning of portal blood flow and tetrapolar rheohepatography there was studied the state of organ hemodynamics in patients before and after hepatectomy.

Results. Duplex scanning of hepatic blood flow has revealed multidirectional tendencies in hepatoportal blood circulation change. The increase of arterial perfusion index gives the evidence of arterializations of hepatic blood flow. The development of postoperative hepatic failure reliably correlates with the degree of preoperative increase of fluid volume index in hepatic sinusoids, hepatic index, the presence and the stage of hepatic cirrhosis. Tetrapolar rheohepatography enables to foresee the course of postoperative period after hepatectomy.

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Kotelnikova L.P., Budyanskaya I.M., Kitaeva I.E., Popov A.V. The Study of Organ Hemodynamics in Patients with Hepatic Mass Lesions by Duplex Scanning and Tetrapolar Rheohepatography. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2012; (4): 59

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