Telemetry and Information Technologies in Diagnosis of Sportsmen Functional State
The aim of the investigation was to develop the instrumental methods for a full assessment of sportsmen functional state in the process of training and competition activity.
Materials and Methods. 57 sportsmen (professional athletes and amateur sportsmen) aged 14–24 years participated in the survey; 20 from them were female, and 37 male. In the study the following techniques were used: computer laterometry, computer campimetry, wireless (telemetry) cardiointervalography. The results were processed using standard methods of parametric and nonparametric statistics.
Results. There has been stated that computer laterometry enables to reveal cognitive strain in training time that can be a marker of “ineffective” state. Computer campimetry findings give the evidence of emotional state change on exertion. However, the most informative indicator of a sportsman functional state is the total power of heart rate variability spectrum. The comparison of the results obtained using the full assessment with clinical data of professional sportsmen of the experimental group showed continuous monitoring of heart rate in the process of training to be an effective screening technique of cardiovascular diseases. The application of wireless cardiointervalography enabled to monitor the sportsmen state effectively and noninvasively at all the stages of training and competition process.
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