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The Technique of Orthopedic Alignment of Free-End Edentulous Space in Partial Tooth Loss

The Technique of Orthopedic Alignment of Free-End Edentulous Space in Partial Tooth Loss

Saakyan М.Y., Gazimagomedova V.R., Berezin P.V.
Key words: partial loss of teeth; periodontitis; attachment; small saddle dentures.
2012, issue 4, page 103.

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There has been shown the efficiency of using attachments that can be adapted for clinical crowns of any height.

The combination of fixing elements of an attachment determines sufficient fixation to provide high masticatory efficiency, and spatial stabilization of a denture, but at the same time it restricts partially, not completely, denture lability when functioning that is typical of rigid attachments and telescopic systems. The restricted lability determines a reduced load on parodontium of abutment teeth due to the redistribution of a part of masticating pressure on alveolar mucosa. This attachment provides the distribution of masticating pressure along the long axis of an abutment tooth; it is physiological, and significantly reduces the risk of traumatic occlusion, mobility, and displacement of abutment teeth.
The reduced load on abutment teeth parodontium suggests expansion of indications for using small saddle dentures with this attachment in patients with periodontal diseases complicated by partial loss of teeth.

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Saakyan М.Y., Gazimagomedova V.R., Berezin P.V. The Technique of Orthopedic Alignment of Free-End Edentulous Space in Partial Tooth Loss. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2012; (4): 103

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