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The Use of Liquid Nitrogen in the Treatment of Patients with Wound Abscess after Tracheostomy

The Use of Liquid Nitrogen in the Treatment of Patients with Wound Abscess after Tracheostomy

Makarova О.А., Kuznetsova N.L.
Key words: cryotherapy; cryoprobe; tracheostomy wound abscess.
2012, issue 4, page 125.

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The aim of the investigation was to assess the efficiency of cryotherapy application in local treatment of patients with tracheostomy wound abscess.

Materials and Methods. To assess the efficiency of liquid nitrogen in the treatment of wound abscess there were studied treatment results of two groups of patients. Complex therapy of the main group of patients with tracheostomy wound abscesses (n=25) included cryoapplications on a suppurative focus using cryoprobe. The patients of the control group (n=25) underwent traditional procedures. All patients received antibacterial and local anti-inflammatory therapy.

Conclusion. The use of cryoapplications on a suppurative focus after tracheostomy enables to reduce average time of wound process due to the earliest debridement and wound regeneration. The application of liquid nitrogen in the treatment of tracheostomy wound abscesses results in early wound healing and has a good cosmetic effect.

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Makarova О.А., Kuznetsova N.L. The Use of Liquid Nitrogen in the Treatment of Patients with Wound Abscess after Tracheostomy. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2012; (4): 125

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