Radiodiagnosis of the Residual Lower Limb Changes in Prosthetic Repair
The aim of the investigation was to assess the efficiency of different radiological methods to diagnose the abnormalities and diseases of residual lower limbs after amputations.
Materials and Methods. We represented the results of stump state assessment in 120 patients after lower extremity amputation for injuries. We analyzed the possibilities of various radiological methods to determine the extremity stump condition before and after prosthetic repair.
Results. We demonstrated the advantages of digital microfocus radiography in determining structural changes of the residual bone compared to conventional radiology. Multispiral computed tomography is a clarifying method required for a more detailed type assignment and topographic anatomy characteristic of the pathological changes of the stump tissues. Ultrasound appeared to be the most informative to study soft tissue structures of the residual limb (determination of inflammatory infiltration, hematomas, neuromas, foreign bodies, and the character of hemodynamic and degenerative changes).
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