Morphofunctional State of Peripheral Blood Erythrocytes after Femtosecond Laser Treatment
The aim of the investigation was to assess femtosecond laser effect on morphofunctional state in peripheral blood erythrocytes exposed to radiation flux density variations.
Materials and Methods. We determined the level of malondialdehyde (MDA), the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and glutathione-transferase, and assessed topology and rigidity of erythrocyte membranes using scanning probe microscopy. In the experiment we used erbium fiber laser with pulse duration of 82·10-15 s, peak and average power of 6 kW and 1.26 mW, respectively, and wavelength of 1.55 µm; radiation flux density being within the range from 0.10 to 2.70 J/cm2.
Results. MDA level indicating lipid peroxidation intensity was found to change slightly varying from 430 to 509 µmol/l. The activity of antioxidant enzymes — SOD and catalase was revealed to depend on the energy density: its most pronounced activity increase was recorded for the radiation flux density of 0.10 J/cm2. GT activity for all selected radiation energy densities was similar to that in control group. Scanning probe microscopy findings indicate erythrocyte topology modification as well as undulatory increase of erythrocyte membrane rigidity at increased energy density of femtosecond laser radiation.
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