New Cryosurgical Instruments in Treatment of Tumors and Purulent Diseases of Skin and Subcutaneous Fat
The aim of the investigation was the development, clinical testing, and the study of the results of using new cryosurgical instruments to treat benign neoplasms, skin and subcutaneous fat purulent diseases.
Materials and Methods. We studied the results of cryosurgical treatment of 447 patients with various skin diseases, among them 350 — with benign skin neoplasms, 97 — with pyoinflammatory diseases of skin and subcutaneous fat. For treatment of 38 patients we used self-designed instruments.
Conclusion. The use of new instruments in cryosurgery of patients with skin and subcutaneous fat diseases enabled to reduce significantly traumatism in surgical procedures, increase the efficiency of cryosurgery, optimize the process of wound healing, reduce disability time and recurrence rate.
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