Complex Therapy of Chronic Recurrent Herpetic Stomatitis
The aim of the investigation was to assess the efficiency of complex use of famcyclovir (Famvir) to suppress herpes simplex virus infection, and interferon inducer Kagocel having immune modulating properties in patients with clinically diagnosed recurrences of herpetic stomatitis in past medical history.
Materials and Methods. We examined and treated 32 patients (26 female and 6 male) suffering from herpetic stomatitis, aged 20–63, with 2–8 disease recurrences a year indicated in the past history. The patients were divided into three groups: group 1 (n=12) patients were given Acyclovir, 1 tablet (200 mg) 5 times a day, for 5 days; group 2 (n=10) — Famvir, 1 tablet (250 mg) bid, for 5 days; group 3 (n=10) — Famvir, 1 tablet (250 mg) bid, for 5 days, and Kagocel: 2 tablets (12 mg) thrice daily, for 5 days. Local treatment for all patients was the same: Viru-Merz Serol gel was applied on problem areas.
Results. In combination therapy patients taking Famvir and Kagocel, acute manifestations of herpetic stomatitis (edema, hyperemia, and the presence of primary signs in oral cavity) were arrested in the shortest time — on day 6. These patients had the fewest recurrences within a year (1.8±0.5, p<0.001), the average period of the first clinically confirmed episode was significantly larger (52.1 days; p<0.05). The patients of other groups were characterized by excess content of IgA and IgG in blood serum on day 10.
Conclusion. Complex therapy of herpetic stomatitis by antiviral medication Famvir and interferon inducer Kagocel results in maximum effect within a minimally short period of time, and enables to arrest clinical manifestations and achieve a stable and long remission.
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