Strangulated Incisional Richter’s Hernia Complicated by Small Bowel Perforation and Phlegmon of Anterior Abdominal Wall
We reported an abnormal case of strangulated incisional Richter’s hernia complicated by small bowel perforation and phlegmon of anterior abdominal wall. The observation is interesting due to the fact that now strangulated Richter’s hernia is rather rare but extremely dangerous concerning the following complications due to scant clinical presentation in strangulation. We represented a case of a female patient with two-day past history of strangulation. She had a classical clinical picture of strangulated Richter’s hernia (strangulation, necrosis, small bowel perforation, the anterior abdominal wall phlegmon, enterocutaneous fistula, the absence of peritonitis and peritoneal irritation signs, and the presence of paralytic ileus). The surgical management was performed followed by a patient’s complete recovery.
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