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Status of Liver Enzymes as an Indicator of Local Treatment of Burn Trauma in Experiment

Status of Liver Enzymes as an Indicator of Local Treatment of Burn Trauma in Experiment

Solovyeva A.G., Zimin Y.V., Peretyagin S.P., Didenko N.V., Martusevich А.K., Larionova К.D.
Key words: thermal trauma; oxidoreductases; liver enzymes; burn treatment.
2013, volume 5, issue 2, page 20.

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The energy and protein failure reducing adaptable compensation and regeneration potential of the body is an essential component in the pathogenesis of a burn disease.

The aim of the investigation was to study the activity of liver oxidoreductases of rats with heat injury in various options of local treatment.

Materials and Methods. The researches were carried out on 60 white rats of Wistar line. The activity of enzymes was determined in liver homogenates on day 3, 7 and 10 after the heat injury and local treatment of burn wounds.

Results. There was revealed the increase in lactate dehydrogenase activity in retroaction and significant decrease of the activity of detoxication enzymes in the liver of rats on 3, 7 and 10 days after a thermal trauma. The rate and extent of oxidoreductases restoration activity were found to determine the local burn treatment modality.

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Solovyeva A.G., Zimin Y.V., Peretyagin S.P., Didenko N.V., Martusevich А.K., Larionova К.D. Status of Liver Enzymes as an Indicator of Local Treatment of Burn Trauma in Experiment. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2013; 5(2): 20

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