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Aesthetic Teeth Restoration Improvement

Aesthetic Teeth Restoration Improvement

Zhdanov S.Е., Lukinykh L.М., Zhdanova М.L.
Key words: aesthetic teeth restoration; dental form; tooth color; transparency of hard tooth tissues.
2013, volume 5, issue 2, page 93.

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The aim of the investigation was to develop the technique of aesthetic teeth restoration improvement in hard tissue pathology treatment.

Materials and Methods. The transparency and color of anterior intact teeth (incisors and cuspids) in 300 patients aged 25–65 years in different polyclinics of Nizhny Novgorod were studied. The patients were divided into three age groups (100 patients in each group): 25–40 years, 41–55 years and 56–65 years. The teeth color was determined by SHADE EYE NCC (Japan) and a self-design device.

Conclusion. The development of the technique of aesthetic teeth restoration improvement using complementary examination tools enables to restore teeth most precisely and therefore, according to high standards.

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Zhdanov S.Е., Lukinykh L.М., Zhdanova М.L. Aesthetic Teeth Restoration Improvement. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2013; 5(2): 93

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