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Obesity Associated Pathology: Frequency, Character and Some Mechanisms of Formation

Obesity Associated Pathology: Frequency, Character and Some Mechanisms of Formation

Panova Е.I., Martyshina О.V., Danilov V.А.
Key words: obesity; cardiovascular complications; adipocytokines; obesity associated pathology.
2013, volume 5, issue 2, page 108.

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There have been considered modern views on the problem of obesity as a widespread disease, which manifests itself as multi-syndrome pathology involving all organs and systems, mostly cardiovascular system. There has been emphasized an unfavorable role of abdomino-visceral (android) obesity as a strong risk factor of cardiovascular pathology and type 2 diabetes mellitus — the diseases that currently are the main causes of lethal outcomes in economically developed countries.

Some mechanisms of organ pathology associated with obesity have been described, in particular, those determined by endocrine function of fat tissue. Unfavorable effects of obesity, chiefly morbid obesity, on respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, urinary system and musculoskeletal system have been shown.

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Panova Е.I., Martyshina О.V., Danilov V.А. Obesity Associated Pathology: Frequency, Character and Some Mechanisms of Formation. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2013; 5(2): 108

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