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Diagnostic Criteria of Vibration Disease on the Basis of the Assessment of Blood Serum Fatty Acid Composition

Diagnostic Criteria of Vibration Disease on the Basis of the Assessment of Blood Serum Fatty Acid Composition

Petrova I.А., Gordetsov А.S., Fedotova I.V.
Key words: fatty acid composition; blood serum; gas chromatographic analysis; vibration disease.
2013, volume 5, issue 3, page 83.

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The aim of the investigation was to justify new criteria of vibration disease diagnostics based on the study of the spectrum of higher fatty acids in blood serum of patients.

Materials and Methods. Blood serum of patients with degree 1 vibration disease (n=65) was under study. Higher fatty acids were determined in dry serum using capillary gas chromatography with preliminary acid methylation. Methyl ether content ratio was taken as the concentration of each acid.

Results. In vibration disease development there is the shift of blood serum fatty acid composition towards saturated acids (the same in men and women) that enables to distinguish this pathology among the others.

To assess quantitative composition of higher fatty acids, there were suggested the following coefficients reflecting the relationship of the total content saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids of ω-6 (К1) and ω-3 (К2) family: К1=0.9–1.5; К2=16.0–28.5; in healthy people К1=0.6–0.9; К2=10.7–15.9 (p0.01).

The calculated value ranges of the suggested coefficients do not overlap, and if any one or more of the diagnostic criteria fall within the range of the stated limits, the presence of vibration disease can be expected.

Conclusion. The suggested coefficients can be used as criteria in vibration disease diagnosing, as well as in the assessment of lipid storage disease in case the efficiency of occupational disease therapy is determined.

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Petrova I.А., Gordetsov А.S., Fedotova I.V. Diagnostic Criteria of Vibration Disease on the Basis of the Assessment of Blood Serum Fatty Acid Composition. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2013; 5(3): 83

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