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Spontaneous Liquorrhea Nasalis When Skull Base Defect is Located in Sphenoidal Sinus

Spontaneous Liquorrhea Nasalis When Skull Base Defect is Located in Sphenoidal Sinus

Larin R.А., Pisarev Е.N.
Key words: skull base defect; nasal liquorrhea; meningocele; endonasal approach.
2013, volume 5, issue 3, page 122.

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There has been considered a case of spontaneous nasal liquorrhea in a patient with lateral sinus wall defect and a sinus mass of non-neoplastic origin (pseudomeningovele) not associated with the operation on hypophysis and skull base structures; and shown the possibilities of an advanced endoscopic approach as an alternative to an intracranial technique. The details of surgical management and defect closure technique have been represented.

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Larin R.А., Pisarev Е.N. Spontaneous Liquorrhea Nasalis When Skull Base Defect is Located in Sphenoidal Sinus. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2013; 5(3): 122

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