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Algorithms of Osteoporosis Diagnostics, Prevention and Management in Knee Replacement

Algorithms of Osteoporosis Diagnostics, Prevention and Management in Knee Replacement

Alabut А.V., Salum N.Y., Sikilinda V.D.
Key words: knee replacement; osteoporosis; densitometry; unstable prosthesis prevention.
2013, volume 5, issue 4, page 64.

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The aim of the investigation was to develop the algorithms of preoperative and postoperative diagnostics, prevention and management of osteoporosis in patients after knee replacement.

Materials and Methods. Based on densitometry and laboratory findings we analyzed bone mineral density in 204 patients, who had undergone knee replacement, among them women amounted 76.5%, men — 23.5%; mean age being 61.55 years. 87 patients (42.7%) in the study group were diagnosed osteopenia or osteoporosis, among them there were 84 (41.2%) female patients; 22 patients (10.8%) were found to have secondary osteoporosis; 65 (31.9%) — postmenopausal osteoporosis, the rest of the patients were found nothing.

Results. The suggested algorithm of preoperative osteoporosis diagnostics and management in endoprosthesis replacement provides early detection of gonarthrosis and reduced bone mineral density, and enables to provide differentiated therapy and perform a planned total knee replacement successfully. The tactics of postoperative control, prevention and management enables to prevent progressive bone mineral density reduction in patients after arthroplasty, and reduce the risks of early instability of an implant. The follow-up period was 9 years, no cases of aseptic instability were observed.

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Alabut А.V., Salum N.Y., Sikilinda V.D. Algorithms of Osteoporosis Diagnostics, Prevention and Management in Knee Replacement. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2013; 5(4): 64

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