Stratification of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Findings by Cluster Analysis in Patients with Arterial Hypertension, Obesity and Albuminuria
The aim of the investigation was to study the characteristics of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) indices in the combination of arterial hypertension (AH) with obesity and albuminuria using cluster analysis.
Material and Methods. The study involved 70 AH patients randomly chosen, aged from 23 to 71 years (mean age — 47.9 years). ABPM was performed before antihypertensive therapy administration. We estimated body mass index and albuminuria level. ABPM indices were stratified into clusters.
Results. Clusters with normal heart rate prevailed in patients with normal weight and overweight, I degree obesity in all AH varuants. Hypertensive clusters with tachycardia were found to prevail in patients with II–III degree obesity. AH structure changed with body mass increase. In overweight and I degree obesity there grows the occurrence of systolic-diastolic AH clusters. In II–III degree obesity the clusters of systolic-diastolic and isolated diastolic AH were revealed less frequently than in normal body weight, while isolated systolic AH clusters were found more frequently. Their occurrence increased in patients with a high albuminuria level as well.
Conclusion. ABPM data can be grouped into clusters, and their own pathogenic mechanisms of AH maintenance and regulation seem to prevail in each cluster. In overweight and I degree obesity patients the occurrence of systolic-diastolic AH increases. With obesity degree increase there is the tendency for heart rate rise, and hemodynamic AH variants are redistributed towards the increase of isolated systolic AH, which is likely to be due to the increase in AH severity with vascular wall remodeling progression. Isolated systolic AH prevalence is increasing not only in II–III degree obesity, but also in high albuminuria supporting the significance of systolic AH in albuminuria development. No interaction between albuminuria and heart rate was revealed.
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