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The Capabilities of Advanced Echography Techniques in Diagnosis of Gastric Submucous Masses

The Capabilities of Advanced Echography Techniques in Diagnosis of Gastric Submucous Masses

Alieva I.М., Tukhbatullin М.G., Galeeva Z.М.
Key words: gastric submucous masses; amplitude sonohistography; sonoelastography; histographic index.
2014, volume 6, issue 1, page 68.

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The aim of the investigation was a comparative study of the possibilities of modern ultrasound diagnostic techniques (sonoelastography and amplitude sonohistography) to reveal gastric submucous masses.

Materials and Methods. 61 patients with gastric submucous masses were examined. All patients underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy and ultrasound on apparatuses Aplio MX (Toshiba, Japan), Hitachi HI VISION Preirus (Japan), Voluson 730 Expert (GE, USA) with 3.5–12 MHz sensors, using sonoelastography and amplitude sonohistography. 12 patients underwent endoscopic ultrasound investigation. The diagnoses were morphologically verified (bioptates, operative material). Sonoelastography was used to determine a mass strain ratio — SR (Strain Ratio). Amplitude sonohistography to determine histographic index (I) was used as an additional method to determine density and elasticity of tumors.

Results. Qualitative parameters of sonographic signs of gastric submucous masses do not always enable to determine the presence of malignant transformation. The most challenging in differential diagnosis are gastric submucous infiltrates either of ulcerative or cancer origin, lymphomas, and aberrant (ectopic) pancreas. Resistance index (RI) of arterial vessels of the tumors, histographic index, and strain ratio appeared to be the most informative ones among quantitative parameters of sonographic signs of gastric submucous masses. There is a clear tendency for histographic index decrease and SR increase in gastric malignant submucous tumors.

Conclusion. Complex ultrasound diagnosis using advanced techniques and technologies (sonoelastography and amplitude sonohistology) is a sensitive and precise method to reveal gastric submucous tumors. Joint use of ultrasound and endoscopy promotes more qualitative use of differential diagnosis and making adequate management.

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Alieva I.М., Tukhbatullin М.G., Galeeva Z.М. The Capabilities of Advanced Echography Techniques in Diagnosis of Gastric Submucous Masses. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2014; 6(1): 68

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