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Evolution of Bioreactors for Extracorporeal Liver Support

Evolution of Bioreactors for Extracorporeal Liver Support

Vilkova Е.V., Cherkasova Е.I., Zagainov V.Е., Zagaynova Е.V.
Key words: artificial system of liver support; bioreactor; cellular cultures; “bioartificial liver”.
2014, volume 6, issue 1, page 89.

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The development of effective extracorporeal liver support systems in acute and chronic hepatic failure for transplantology purposes and in toxic injuries is a promising direction in modern biomedical studies. Widely used techniques are based on physicochemical interactions of biological molecules, and able to perform a detoxification function only (hemodialysis, hemofiltration, hemodiafiltration, sorption, albumin dialysis, plasmapheresis). However, support systems combining both blood/plasma perfusion and cellular technologies to maintain metabolic, synthetic and regulatory hepatic functions — “artificial liver” systems — are being extensively developed in recent decades. The review describes the main types of cell lines cultured to occupy bioreactors, various technological concepts for bioreactor design (dynamic, static), scaffold-carriers as part of bioreactors (structure, biochemical composition). The study gives metabolic characteristics of a cellular component of “bioartificial liver”: nourishment, oxygen saturation. Various types of existing extracorporeal support systems, their evolution, and preclinical and clinical test results are presented.

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Vilkova Е.V., Cherkasova Е.I., Zagainov V.Е., Zagaynova Е.V. Evolution of Bioreactors for Extracorporeal Liver Support. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2014; 6(1): 89

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