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Cerebral Infrared Oximetry in Intracranial Hemorrhage

Cerebral Infrared Oximetry in Intracranial Hemorrhage

Trofimov А.О., Kalentiev G.V., Voennov О.V.
Key words: cerebral infrared oximetry; craniocerebral injury; hemorrhagic stroke.
2014, volume 6, issue 1, page 110.

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There have been presented up-to-date data on cerebral infrared oximetry application in intracranial hemorrhage. The principles of the technique enabling to perform noninvasive monitoring of cerebral tissue oxygenation have been given. There has been shown the comparability of cerebral oximetry and invasive assessment techniques of cerebral tissue saturation, jugular oximetry and cerebral microcirculation. Some systems for oxygen status determination have been presented. Special attention has been paid to the use of coefficients and indices of cerebral infrared oximetry to assess functional state of cerebral microvasculature and cerebral autoregulation.

There have been described prospects for further development of cerebral oximetry as a part of many-component monitoring in craniocerebral injury and hemorrhagic strokes.

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Trofimov А.О., Kalentiev G.V., Voennov О.V. Cerebral Infrared Oximetry in Intracranial Hemorrhage. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2014; 6(1): 110

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