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The Use of Protector Made of Reperen in Microvascular Decompression of Trigeminal Nerve

The Use of Protector Made of Reperen in Microvascular Decompression of Trigeminal Nerve

Sheludyakov А.Y., Tikhomirov S.Е., Stupak Y.А.
Key words: trigeminal neuralgia; microvascular decompression; Reperen.
2014, volume 6, issue 1, page 121.

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For the first time there was used an isolating protector made of Reperen aiming to resolve a neurovascular conflict between superior cerebellar artery and trigeminal nerve root — a leading cause of trigeminal neuralgia.

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Sheludyakov А.Y., Tikhomirov S.Е., Stupak Y.А. The Use of Protector Made of Reperen in Microvascular Decompression of Trigeminal Nerve. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2014; 6(1): 121

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