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The Effect of Sterofundin and Cytoflavin on Morphological Changes in Myocardium in Acute Massive Blood Loss in Experiment

The Effect of Sterofundin and Cytoflavin on Morphological Changes in Myocardium in Acute Massive Blood Loss in Experiment

Kalentiev G.V., Nikolsky V.О., Snopova L.B., Trofimov А.О.
Key words: acute massive blood loss; hemorrhagic shock; Cytoflavin; isotonic Sterofundin.
2014, volume 6, issue 3, page 22.

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The aim of the investigation was to study in experiment the effect of antihypoxic drugs (Sterofundin and Cytoflavin) on morphology and morphometric indices of myocardium after acute massive blood loss.

Materials and Methods. The experiments were carried out on 54 Wistar male rats, weighing 230–250 g. Hemorrhagic shock was simulated by acute massive blood loss at the rate of 2 ml/min. Blood loss in an hour was followed by hypovolemia replacement within 60 min in the volume of 200% of lost mass: in control series — by Ringer`s solution, in the first trial series — by isotonic Sterofundin, in the second trial series — by isotonic Sterofundin and metabolic support by Cytoflavin. Blood reinfusion in the volume of 70% of blood loss was carried out. Morphological and morphometric myocardial changes were assessed 1 and 3 days after hemorrhagic shock.

Results. We have revealed cardioprotective effect of combined use of malate-containing blood substitute isotonic Sterofundin and Cytoflavin in infusion therapy of experimental hemorrhagic shock.

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Kalentiev G.V., Nikolsky V.О., Snopova L.B., Trofimov А.О. The Effect of Sterofundin and Cytoflavin on Morphological Changes in Myocardium in Acute Massive Blood Loss in Experiment. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2014; 6(3): 22

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