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Characteristics of Left Ventricular Impaired Functional Indices in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease According to Visual Estimation and Velocity Vector Imaging

Characteristics of Left Ventricular Impaired Functional Indices in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease According to Visual Estimation and Velocity Vector Imaging

Petrova Е.B., Fedorova М.V., Shakhov B.Е.
Key words: Velocity Vector Imaging; VVI; coronary heart disease; left ventricular dysfunction.
2014, volume 6, issue 3, page 36.

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The aim of the investigation was to estimate the diagnostic capabilities of left ventricular (LV) functional indices in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) using conventional imaging techniques (echoCG) and VVI technology.

Materials and Methods. 52 patients with CHD were examined. By visual estimation (echoCG) of LV segmental contractility all patients were divided into two groups: without LV contractile dysfunction (n=26); with segmental contractile dysfunction (n=26).

The investigation of LV function using VVI system included the study of longitudinal, radial and circular LV fibers, and the analysis of rotation indices.

Results and Discussion. VVI system helped to reveal in all patients systolic dysfunction and abnormal strain rate of LV myocardium. Patients of both groups were found to have dysfunction of longitudinal and circular fibers of LV myocardium. Decreased indices of radial fiber function were recorded in a group of patients with segmental contractility dysfunction.

Rotation function analysis was impossible in visual estimation. VVI application enabled to find disturbed rotation of basal and apical LV parts. So, the patients of both groups had decreased apical rotation indices, and 14 of them were recorded to have disturbed apical and basal rotational direction of LV.

Conclusion. The use of VVI system enables to study in more detail the characteristics of LV function in CHD patients and reveal the alteration of those indices which are not found in visual control. The detection of disturbed strain and rotational properties of LV myocardium is the most urgent problem in patients with regular contractility that makes it possible to define well the management of such patients.

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Petrova Е.B., Fedorova М.V., Shakhov B.Е. Characteristics of Left Ventricular Impaired Functional Indices in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease According to Visual Estimation and Velocity Vector Imaging. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2014; 6(3): 36

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