Combination of Neurofeedback Technique with Music Therapy for Effective Correction of Stress-Induced Disorders
The aim of the investigation was to evaluate the applicability and efficacy of music presentations controlled by feedback signals from the narrow-band electroencephalographic (EEG) oscillators of a patient to correct functional stress-induced disturbances.
Materials and Methods. We revealed dominant narrow-band (0.4–0.6 Hz) oscillators in the theta (4–8 Hz) and alpha (8–13 Hz) EEG bands in 18 volunteers suffering from stress-induced disorders. During two examinations the subjects were presented with classical music. However, the music was interrupted for 3 s if the current amplitude of subject’s theta EEG oscillator exceeded the initial level, or if the current amplitude of subject’s alpha EEG oscillator did not reach the initial level. The subjects were asked to find and maintain the functional state in which the music was played continuously. Music playing time, the changes in EEG rhythm power, and the shifts in subjective estimations of health, activity and mood from the beginning to the end of each session were recorded.
Results. Marked EEG normalization, reduction of stress sensations and positive shifts in mental and emotional state of the patient were found under the influence of music controlled by a feedback from theta or alpha EEG oscillators of a patient as early as by the end of the first treatment procedure.
Conclusion. Improved efficiency of applied music therapy caused by its interaction with the relevant individual characteristics of the bioelectrical brain activity suggests the possibility for a successful use of such effects in a wide range of medical rehabilitation procedures.
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