A Modern Approach to the Choice of Endobiliary Replacement Time in Patients With Obstructive Jaundice of Cancerous Genesis
The aim of the investigation was to determine an optimal time of endobiliary stenting in patients with obstructive jaundice syndrome of cancerous genesis on the comparative analysis basis.
Materials and Methods. We studied the treatment results of 360 patients with obstructive jaundice syndrome of cancerous genesis using minimally invasive techniques. Mean age was 60.0±8.3 years (from 37 to 84 years). The first stage of treatment was biliary decompression using percutaneous external drainage of ducts, the second — the restoration of biliary duct patency and antegrade bile passage using percutaneous stenting. Group 1 consisted of 150 patients with early stenting, group 2 — 210 patients after delayed stenting of biliary passage.
Results. Three groups of complications were found: complications related to the procedure, inflammatory complications, and progressive hepatic failure. In group 1, 23 of 150 patients (15.3%) had complications, in group 2 — 44 of 210 patients (21.9%) (p=0.039). Lethality in an early postoperative period in group 1 was 2.6%, in group 2 — 4.8% (p=0.038). Group 1 had significant and statistically reliable improvement of some laboratory findings.
Conclusion. The most effective and safe technique to help patients with obstructive jaundice of cancerous genesis is an early stenting — within the first three days after external percutaneous biliary drainage.
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