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Revealing Early Caries by the Parameters of Oral Fluid  Infrared Spectra and Crystal-Chemical Composition  of Dental Tissues

Revealing Early Caries by the Parameters of Oral Fluid Infrared Spectra and Crystal-Chemical Composition of Dental Tissues

Krasnikova О.V., Runova О.А., Gordetsov А.S., Kazarina L.N.
Key words: infrared spectroscopy; early diagnosis of caries.
2014, volume 6, issue 4, page 112.

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The aim of the investigation is to assess the possibility of studying the changes of crystal-chemical composition indices of tissues of the teeth affected by caries (some phosphor-containing metabolites, carbonates, and proteins) according to infrared spectra (IR spectra) of the oral fluid.

Materials and Methods. Patients with various forms of dental caries (n=30) and with an intact dentition (n=30) were studied. Oral fluid was examined using infrared spectroscopy technique. Four parameters were selected as calculation infrared-spectroscopy values, being quotients of the division of the peak heights of the analytic bands of absorption of phosphates, carbonates and proteins of the mixed saliva by each other: P1 — 1070/1017; P2 — 1070/960; P3 — 1070/860; P4 — 1017/860.

Results. According to IR spectrum data it is estimated, that in the oral fluid of patients with various caries forms the content of phosphates decreases and carbonates increases (p≤0.05) in comparison with patients with intact dentitions. Reduction of the protein component of the oral fluid in patients with caries compared to phosphates and carbonates is noted (p≤0.05).

Conclusion. IR spectroscopy of the oral fluid enables early diagnosis of caries and can be used in revealing the disease, objectivizing the diagnosis, planning the extension of stomatological intervention, and evaluation of the efficacy of treatment.

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Krasnikova О.V., Runova О.А., Gordetsov А.S., Kazarina L.N. Revealing Early Caries by the Parameters of Oral Fluid Infrared Spectra and Crystal-Chemical Composition of Dental Tissues. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2014; 6(4): 112

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