The Content of Oligomeric and Total Fractions of Soluble CD38 Molecules in Blood Serum of Patients with Hysteromyoma
The aim of the investigation was to study the content of oligomeric fraction and total fraction of soluble CD38 molecules in blood serum of patients with hysteromyomas.
Materials and Methods. 53 patients with hysteromyomas aged 32–58 years were under study. The level of soluble CD38 molecules in blood serum was determined by enzyme immunoassay using polyclonal antibodies and monoclonal antibodies ICO-20 against CD38. The results were stated in conditional units (U/ml).
Results. The development of benign pathology of uterine body was accompanied by simultaneous level growth of oligomeric and total fractions of soluble CD38 molecules. The most significant increase of total fraction level occurred in submucous localization of myomatous nodes. Interstitial-submucous tumors had the highest serum level of oligomeric fraction of CD38 molecules. 4–6 myomatous nodes were accompanied by the highest level of total fraction of CD38 molecules, the content of oligomeric fraction of the molecules under study being normal. By contrast, the patients with one myomatous node were found to have the highest level of soluble oligomeric CD38 molecules, the total fraction level of soluble CD38 molecule being medium.
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