The Use of Hydrogel Materials Coletex-ADL and Colegel in the Treatment of Purulent Frontal Sinusitis
The aim of the investigation was to assess the treatment efficacy of purulent frontal sinusitis including local use of Russian hydrogel materials with antiseptic, analgesic and hemostatic properties in combination with sinus obliteration by osteoplastic materials and physiotherapy.
Materials and Methods. The study involved 20 subjects who had been operated on for destructive changes of frontal sinus walls due to purulent frontitis. For local treatment we used Russian depot-materials: hydrogel medical compositions based on biopolymer — sodium alginate. Intraoperatively we sanitated frontal sinuses: using hydrogel matrix Colegel with dioxydine and ε-aminocaproic acid we lined sinus walls and bone defect area at the level of operative approach after obliteration by osteoplastic composition МК-9М. A postoperative wound was blindly sutured and covered by hydrogel textile-biopolymer-based Coletex-ADL napkin with dioxydine and lidocaine. Magnetotherapy was being carried out since first postoperative days.
Results. Local intra- and postoperative use of hydrogel materials in combination with sinus obliteration by osteoplastic material and magnetotherapy since the first postoperative days contributed to the healing of frontal area wounds by primary adhesion within an optimal period. We recorded no complications and adverse sequelae of surgical interventions, hospital stay decreased by 7–10 days.
Conclusion. The use of Russian hydrogel materials — Colegel and Coletex-ADL matrices with antiseptics, anesthetic and hemostatic agents combined with sinus obliteration by osteoplastic materials contributes to the prevention of complications, reduction of the treatment period of patients with destructive changes of frontal sinus walls in inflammatory processes.
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