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A New Method to Diagnose Cancer Based on Image Analysis of Mass Chromatograms of Volatile Organic Compounds in Urine

A New Method to Diagnose Cancer Based on Image Analysis of Mass Chromatograms of Volatile Organic Compounds in Urine

Rozhentsov А.А., Koptina А.V., Mitrakov А.А., Sharipova T., Tsapaev I., Ryzhkov V.L., Lychagin К.А., Furina R.R., Mitrakova N.N.
Key words: urine volatile organic compounds; cancer biomarker; gas chromatography — mass spectrometry; metabolic profile.
2014, volume 6, issue 4, page 151.

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The aim of investigation was to develop a technique to diagnose early cancer based on the image analysis of mass chromatograms of volatile organic compounds in urine, and assess its efficacy.

Materials and Methods. The patients were grouped by nosological types: lung cancer, esophageal cancer, gastric carcinoma, colon cancer.

A control group consisted of healthy individuals. Metabolic profiles of volatile organic compounds of urine were obtained using head space solid phase microextraction coupled to gas chromatography — mass spectrometry method.

Results. In accordance with the processed data of mass chromatograms of volatile organic compounds of urine for each patient and their comparison with images of control individuals, we made reference metabolic profiles of oncological diseases. The proposed technique for cancer detection is easy, non-invasive, low labor intensive and affordable. According to the assessment of the results obtained, the method sensitivity is 100%, specificity — 90.62%, type I error probability — 0%, type II error probability — 9.38%.

Conclusion. The findings could be used for the further understanding of etiology and pathology of various forms of oncological diseases.

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Rozhentsov А.А., Koptina А.V., Mitrakov А.А., Sharipova T., Tsapaev I., Ryzhkov V.L., Lychagin К.А., Furina R.R., Mitrakova N.N. A New Method to Diagnose Cancer Based on Image Analysis of Mass Chromatograms of Volatile Organic Compounds in Urine. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2014; 6(4): 151

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