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The Effect of a Nanostructured Chitosan–Bee Venom–Gold Nanoparticle System on Free Radical Process Activity, Blood System Adaptation, and Tumor Growth in Rats with Transplanted Cancer PC-1

The Effect of a Nanostructured Chitosan–Bee Venom–Gold Nanoparticle System on Free Radical Process Activity, Blood System Adaptation, and Tumor Growth in Rats with Transplanted Cancer PC-1

Dydykina V.N., Zotova J.D., Mochalova А.Е., Smirnova L.А., Koryagin А.S.
Key words: nanostructured preparation; chitosan–bee venom–gold nanoparticles; nanostructured system; РС-1 tumor strain.
2015, volume 7, issue 2, page 41.

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The aim of the investigation was to estimate by blood system indices adaptogenic and antioxidant properties, as well as anti-tumor efficiency of nanostructured chitosan–bee venom–gold nanoparticles on laboratory animals with transplanted РС-1 strain.

Materials and Methods. We studied the impact of a nanopreparation — chitosan–bee venom–gold nanoparticles — on antioxidant, adaptogenic, antitumor effects when injected to animals (35 white rats) with transplanted liver cancer РС-1 (alveolar hepatic cancer). In time course of the experiment we analyzed physiological and biochemical blood values. On day 28 following preparation injection we determined the area of external tumor surface of the study animals and controls.

Results. We conducted a comparative assessment of free radical oxidation by the number of lipid peroxidation end products and antioxidant system activity in blood plasma, as well as a stress level by white cell count and leukocyte ratio, and the area of tumor external surface in laboratory animals after the course of treatment with the preparation. We revealed antitumor, antioxidant and adaptogenic activity of a chitosan–bee venom–gold nanoparticles preparation.

Conclusion. A nanostructured preparation (chitosan–bee venom–gold nanoparticles) in therapeutic doses (one order less than toxic ones) effectively inhibits transplanted tumor PC-1 growth (alveolar hepatic cancer) exhibiting significant antioxidant and adaptogenic activity.

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Dydykina V.N., Zotova J.D., Mochalova А.Е., Smirnova L.А., Koryagin А.S. The Effect of a Nanostructured Chitosan–Bee Venom–Gold Nanoparticle System on Free Radical Process Activity, Blood System Adaptation, and Tumor Growth in Rats with Transplanted Cancer PC-1. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2015; 7(2): 41,

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