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Effect of Autologous Modification of Dental Implants Based on Non-Woven Titanium Material with a Through Porosity on the Primary Stability Indices in Experiment

Effect of Autologous Modification of Dental Implants Based on Non-Woven Titanium Material with a Through Porosity on the Primary Stability Indices in Experiment

Scherbovskih A.E., Gafurov S.A.
Key words: dental implant; non-woven titanium material with a through porosity; primary stability of dental implant; autobone; osseointegration; porous metal.
2015, volume 7, issue 2, page 62.

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The aim of the investigation is to compare primary stability values of dental implant models based on titanium non-woven material with a through porosity mounted by traditional technology and the technology of autologous modification in experiment.

Materials and Methods. A randomized study was performed on 18 mandible models of pigs aged 9 to 13 months. Periotestometry method was used for comparative assessment of primary stability of dental implant models based on non-woven titanium material with a through porosity placed by traditional technology (the first series of tests, n=18) and that of autologous modification (the second series of tests, n=18). The diameter of pin spacers was 1.8; 2.0; 2.3 mm.

Results. Pin spacer diameter increase from 1.8 mm to 2.3 mm in dental implant models with titanium sleeves made of non-woven material with a through porosity increases stability values by 7.8 times, whereas for implant models with the sleeves made of the same non-woven titanium material but modified by autologous bone tissue — by 10.06 times. Autologous bone modification of titanium non-woven material with a through porosity increases stability indices of an implant with a pin spacer diameter of 1.8 mm by 1.39 times, 2.0 mm — by 3.5 times, and 2.3 mm — by 1.79 times.

Conclusion. Use of autologous modification technology of dental implants made of non-woven titanium material optimizes stability values of dental implants.

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Scherbovskih A.E., Gafurov S.A. Effect of Autologous Modification of Dental Implants Based on Non-Woven Titanium Material with a Through Porosity on the Primary Stability Indices in Experiment. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2015; 7(2): 62,

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