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Application of Reperen Miniplate for Minor Calvarium Defect Plasty in Intracerebral Hematoma Removal

Application of Reperen Miniplate for Minor Calvarium Defect Plasty in Intracerebral Hematoma Removal

Tikhomirov S.Е.
Key words: cranioplasty; Reperen; haemorrhagic stroke.
2015, volume 7, issue 2, page 198.

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There has been presented a case of successful application of a miniplate made of Reperen material (Russia) for primary plasty of a minor calvarium defect in minimally invasive brain surgery. The stages of the proposed cranioplasty technique are described. The invented miniplates made of this material (round-shaped, 3.0; 3.5; 4.0 cm in diameter and 1.0 mm thick) enable rapid closure of the bone defect without any additional adjustment.

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Tikhomirov S.Е. Application of Reperen Miniplate for Minor Calvarium Defect Plasty in Intracerebral Hematoma Removal . Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2015; 7(2): 198,

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