Evaluation of Cutting Properties of a Laser Scalpel with Heavily Absorbing Coatings of an Optical Fiber
The aim of the investigation was to evaluate the cutting properties of a laser scalpel by applying heavily absorbing coatings (HAC) on an operating silica fiber end.
Materials and Methods. In the investigation we used a laser scalpel with wavelength 0.97 μm and output power 3 and 7 W. Tissue was incised by a fiber without coating and coated by a carbon layer or graphite-based HAC.
Results. The assessment of ex vivo tissue incision rate showed a laser scalpel with HAC on a fiber tip to provide maximum cutting rate. Moreover, the mode was characterized by the minimum coagulation area. Incision width is slightly less than that resulted from using a clean fiber end. HAC was more resistant to mechanical and laser action, and persisted on a fiber tip far longer than carbon. In vivo studies on animal skin showed all tissue incision modes to exhibit high coagulability. Histological analysis revealed that laser cutting using a fiber tip having different coatings formed similar tissue structural changes. Skin appeared to have burn destruction of epidermis along the laser exposure width. Derma was found to have visible coagulation morphological changes of the structure. Beneath the coagulation area there were collagen fibers with altered properties: areas with swollen fibers, as well as destruction areas with disruptions and ruptures. HAC application enabled to reduce laser radiation power to provide effective tissue incision.
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