The Possibilities of Modern Methods of Oxidative Stress and Immune Profile Study in Determining the Predictors of Chronic Inflammatory Process in the Bronchi of Young Beginning Smokers
The aim of the investigation was to assess the possibilities of the modern methods for oxidative stress and immune profile research in determining the predictors of chronic inflammatory process in the young smokers bronchi.
Materials and Methods. 85 students of the I–III-year from Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy were examined, among them 30 students (group 1) were non-smokers and 55 students (group 2) were addicted to nicotine. The pulmonary function test, oxidant–antioxidant system, the levels of soluble differentiating molecules of leucocytes and histocompatibility molecules were studied along with general clinical examination methods. Only students with normal pulmonary function test indices were included in the study.
Results. Antioxidant system activation and decreasing intensity of lipid peroxidation was characteristic of young smokers. Thus, statistically significant increase in erythrocytes superoxide dismutase was revealed in group 2, and the indices of maximum luminescence intensity Imax and S light sum were decreased. The smokers showed significant increase in sCD95 apoptosis modulator, growing content of sCD25 and sCD8 immune cells activation markers, growing total fraction of sCD54 adhesion molecules as well as soluble histocompatibility molecules of class I and II.
Conclusion. At the first stages smoking is accompanied by compensatory immune reactions, antioxidant system activation, as well as decreasing lipid peroxidation intensity. Modern methods of researching oxidant–antioxidant system as well as the levels of differentiation and histocompatibility molecules allow studying the subtle mechanisms of smoking impact on the respiratory system at the “pre-obstructive” stage and tracing the appearance of chronic bronchi inflammation predictors.
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