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Neuromodulation for Refractory Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Patients

Neuromodulation for Refractory Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Patients

Morozov I.N., Ushakov А.I.
Key words: neuromodulation; spinal cord stimulation; SCS; failed back surgery syndrome; FBSS.
2015, volume 7, issue 3, page 90.

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The aim of the investigation was to assess the capabilities of spinal cord stimulation, and compare it with conventional nonsurgical treatment in failed back syndrome.

Materials and Methods. The study involved the patients with at least one anatomically successful lumber disc hernia excision, post-traumatic spinal deformity in their past history, the patients keeping suffering from neuropathic pain.

Group 1 patients (n=45) in addition to traditional therapy underwent spinal cord stimulation. Group 2 control patients (n=35) were given medicines, therapeutic blocks, physiotherapy, and psychotherapy.

Results. Epidural spinal cord stimulation in chronic pain syndrome treatment enables to improve significantly the patients' condition: it lowers pain level, increases the functionality and improves the quality of life.

Conclusion. Being minimally invasive and highly safe, neuromodulation enables to achieve good treatment results in failed back syndrome.

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Morozov I.N., Ushakov А.I. Neuromodulation for Refractory Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Patients. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2015; 7(3): 90,

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