Transformation of Patient’s EEG Oscillators into Music-Like Signals for Correction of Stress-Induced Functional States
The aim of the investigation was to compare efficacy of three variants of musical neurobiocontrol technology, involving transformation of the current values of the patient’s EEG oscillators into music-like signals in correcting stress-induced functional state.
Materials and Methods. 15 volunteers, being in the stress condition, were subject to three examinations. In the first one the examinees were presented music-like signals, resembling the sounds of a flute by its timbre, which were smoothly varying in pitch and intensity in direct relation to the current amplitude of the spectral component of EEG — EEG oscillator — dominating in the subject. In two other examinations the same transformations of EEG were supplemented by the introduction of musical elements: rhythm and beat. Objective (shifts of EEG-alpha rhythm intensity relative to the background) and subjective (results of all tests before and after the exposure) criteria of efficacy were used in the study.
Results. Under the influence of therapeutic procedures the increase of EEG-alpha rhythm intensity against the background was noted, accompanied by the growth of health and mood indicators, reduction of emotional disadaptation degree and the level of stressedness in the examined persons. The most prominent effects were revealed when presented sound signals were structured, especially by introducing 1 Hz rhythm in them.
Conclusion. Transformation of the current values of patient’s EEG oscillators into music-like signals is supposed to be a perspective way of improving the efficacy of biocontrol procedures in correcting various functional disorders.
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