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Automated Method to Analyze Geometry and Topology of Mitral Valve Fibrous Ring

Automated Method to Analyze Geometry and Topology of Mitral Valve Fibrous Ring

Dolgov V.Y., Ovcharenko E.A., Klyshnikov K.Y., Sizova I.N., Kudryavtseva Y.A., Barbarash L.S.
Key words: mitral valve; fibrous ring annuloplasty; fibrous ring geometry; Procrustes analysis.
2016, volume 8, issue 2, page 22.

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The design of prosthetic rings for the annuloplasty of mitral valve fibrous ring (MVFR) was developed from the intuitive to that based on the theoretical analysis of the geometry and topology using the modern technologies of image processing and analysis. The paper presents an automated method of three-dimensional echocardiography data processing and analysis followed by findings fitting.The technique includes several steps. At first, we detected the boundaries of the data obtained by transesophageal three-dimensional echocardiography followed by Procrustes analysis and the mean shape search based on the available data bulk. The method enables to analyze better MVFR geometry, develop MVFR models on the basis of the obtained data, and subsequently, use them to design a prosthetic ring in order to reduce the number of possible complications. Three approximation methods (piecewise cubic, general polynomial, Gauss–Fourier method) were applied for the optimization of the technique results. Each of the methods has its own unique set of advantages and disadvantages, and depending on the task, one can use a certain technique when analyzing or reconstructing MVFR geometry. Thus, it is a powerful tool for MVFR study and prosthetic ring modeling.

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Dolgov V.Y., Ovcharenko E.A., Klyshnikov K.Y., Sizova I.N., Kudryavtseva Y.A., Barbarash L.S. Automated Method to Analyze Geometry and Topology of Mitral Valve Fibrous Ring. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2016; 8(2): 22,

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