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Echotrecking Is a Novel Technology to Assess Structural and Functional Properties of Carotid Arteries (Review)

Echotrecking Is a Novel Technology to Assess Structural and Functional Properties of Carotid Arteries (Review)

Melnikova E.A., Avdeeva I.V., Oleynikov V.E.
Key words: echotracking; arterial stiffness; carotid arteries; atherosclerosis.
2016, volume 8, issue 2, page 119.

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The problem of searching and large-scale implementation of early diagnostic techniques of cardiovascular diseases at the stage of preclinical failure is still relevant. Novel methods for vessel stiffness assessment to stratify cardiovascular risk and determine the aim of treatment intervention are certain to provoke interest.

The review considers the modern aspects of local stiffness of an arterial wall, as well as presents comparative data on ultrasound capabilities when using a standard B-mode and a new technique: echotracking. Software echotracking applications (QIMT and QAS) are described. We analyzed the parameters characterizing local rigidity. Obtaining measurement data minimally dependent on a researcher attitude was found to be an evident advantage of echotracking. The paper gives the guide values of a norm for the parameters under study in different age subgroups, and demonstrates diagnostic and prognostic value of the obtained parameters and their dynamics during the drug therapy.

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Melnikova E.A., Avdeeva I.V., Oleynikov V.E. Echotrecking Is a Novel Technology to Assess Structural and Functional Properties of Carotid Arteries (Review). Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2016; 8(2): 119,

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