Reference Values of Platelet Aggregation in Impedance Aggregometry with Adenosine Diphosphoric Acid on Aggregometer Multiplate
Current international standards recommend every laboratory to develop or confirm the existing in literature reference intervals for each laboratory value. We studied aggregation platelet function in 128 apparently healthy men and women of Astrakhan region (Russia) in clinical and diagnostic laboratory of Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The study involved impedance technique using aggregometer Multiplate (Verum Diagnostica, Germany), adenosine diphosphoric acid being used as an inductor. Age and gender had no significant effect on platelet aggregation values. Reference interval of platelet aggregation with adenosine diphosphoric acid on the aggregometer Multiplate in adult population of Astrakhan region was found to be 598.0–1,120.0 AU·min, where AU·min is the area under aggregation curve.
The stated platelet aggregation interval in adult population can be used as reference in Astrakhan region laboratories when working with similar analytical systems (automatic aggregometer Multiplate), since it was developed considering all peculiarities of developing reference groups and standardization of all laboratory research stages.
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