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The Impact of Broadband Microwaves of Sub- and Millimeter Range on Biochemical Metabolism in Experimental Tissue Ischemia in vivo

The Impact of Broadband Microwaves of Sub- and Millimeter Range on Biochemical Metabolism in Experimental Tissue Ischemia in vivo

Polyakova А.G., Kuzneczova V.L., Presnyakova М.V.
Key words: electromagnetic radiation; nitric oxide; biochemical metabolism; terahertz band; tissue ischemia.
2016, volume 8, issue 3, page 112.

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Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) with various frequency spectra are extensively implemented in practical medicine that determines further experimental studies of the impact on the development of biochemical effects and possible side effects on the body.

The aim of the investigation was to assess the effect of a course of non-thermal microwaves with different broadband frequency ranges on the parameters of the metabolic status of animals in experimental ischemia of a skin flap.

Materials and Methods. We studied the change of necrosis area of distal ischemic dorsal skin flap and the main biochemical indicators in Wistar male rats in the postoperative period, their occipital prominence being exposed to the irradiation in the range 53–78 and 110–170 GHz.

Results. The most pronounced vascular effect was recorded when exposed to EMR 110–170 GHz, in this range there are spectra of nitric oxide and oxygen, with the smallest ischemic and necrotic area in a flap compared to the control group of operated animals. The unexposed animals after surgery were found to have high blood glucose and total cholesterol, as well as the elevated concentration of urea in comparison with control animals. The most significant homeostatic effect on biochemical metabolism indices (total bilirubin, urea, total cholesterol and glucose) was recorded under the influence of EMR 53–78 GHz.

Conclusion. The exposure of microwaves of sub- and millimeter range in noise radiation mode plays the role of control signals to develop biological effects in the body. No side effects on the body of experimental animals indicates the safe use of microwave exposure.

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Polyakova А.G., Kuzneczova V.L., Presnyakova М.V. The Impact of Broadband Microwaves of Sub- and Millimeter Range on Biochemical Metabolism in Experimental Tissue Ischemia in vivo. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2016; 8(3): 112,

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