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Intracellular Calcium Network Activity in the Hippocampus CA3 Region in Rat Postnatal Development

Intracellular Calcium Network Activity in the Hippocampus CA3 Region in Rat Postnatal Development

Mitaeva Y.I., Mozherov A.M., Kastalskiy I.А., Mishchenko T.A., Mukhina I.V.
Key words: neuronal network; hippocampus; CA3 cells; astrocytes; Ca2+ imaging; postnatal development.
2016, volume 8, issue 4, page 167.

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Hippocampus — the structure of the central nervous system, which is involved in the mechanisms of memory consolidation. The hippocampus has a certain topology distribution of cellular elements, which provides the many cellular networks. One of them is the network of neurons in the CA3 field. In this article discusses the features of the Ca2+ signaling system of cells of CA3 field of rat hippocampus of early (P5–8, P14–16) and late (P21–25) postnatal development in different physiological conditions: spontaneous activity, in violation of the excitation in the neural network by adding tetrodotoxin (Ca2+ signaling), as well as the effects of excitatory neurotransmitters (ATP, L-glutamate).This work extends the concepts of Ca2+ signaling in rat hippocampus cells of early and late stages of postnatal ontogenesis. The study showed that changes in Ca2+ activity in the cells CA3 field of rat hippocampal taking place during the neonatal period of postnatal ontogenesis directly related to the functioning of neural networks and the metabolic state of the cells.

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Mitaeva Y.I., Mozherov A.M., Kastalskiy I.А., Mishchenko T.A., Mukhina I.V. Intracellular Calcium Network Activity in the Hippocampus CA3 Region in Rat Postnatal Development. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2016; 8(4): 167,

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