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The Ionic Mechanisms Regulating Astrocytic Calcium Dynamic

The Ionic Mechanisms Regulating Astrocytic Calcium Dynamic

Dembitskaya Y.V., Lebedeva A.V., Pimashkin A.S., Semyanov A.V.
Key words: hippocampus; astrocytes; calcium oscillations; metabotropic glutamate receptors; neuron-glia interaction.
2016, volume 8, issue 4, page 191.

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The aim of the study was to understand the effect of alterations in local ionic concentrations due to neuronal activity on calcium activity in astrocytes.

Materials and Methods. In this study we investigated astrocytic calcium dynamics using confocal microscopy on hippocampal slices from Wistar rats P15–18.

Results. Here we demonstrated that activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors on astrocytes led to an increase of the frequency and duration of calcium events. Elevations of the extracellular calcium concentration did not change the frequency and the duration. Elevations of the extracellular potassium concentration increased the frequency and reduced the duration of calcium events.

Conclusions. Neuronal activity causing alterations in local ionic concentrations might affect calcium activity in astrocytes, creating a feedback loop, controlling functioning of neuron-glia networks. These data indicate the complex nature of the effects, which modulate the interplay between neurons and astrocytes that cannot be considered only in the context of a receptor signaling.

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Dembitskaya Y.V., Lebedeva A.V., Pimashkin A.S., Semyanov A.V. The Ionic Mechanisms Regulating Astrocytic Calcium Dynamic. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2016; 8(4): 191,

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