Method for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Combined Treatment with Immunomodulators in Chronic Dermatologic Diseases
The aim of the investigation was to determine the significance of the index of natural colonization of epithelial cells for evaluating the effectiveness of treatment and prevention using immunomodulators in patients with microbial eczema and yeast onychomycosis.
Materials and Methods. The level of natural bacterial colonization of buccal epithelial cells was determined in patients with microbial eczema and yeast onychomycosis before and after combined treatment with immunomodulators.
Results. The study showed that the level of natural colonization of epithelial cells increased in pathologic processes. The natural colonization level significantly decreased after combined therapy with Polyoxidonium (in microbial eczema) and Derinat (in onychomycosis), approximating the level in healthy people. Evaluation of changes in natural bacterial colonization on buccal epithelial cells makes it possible to estimate the efficiency of combined treatment with immunomodulators.
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