The Role of Modern Methods of Examination in Assessing the Effect of Smoking on the Course of Bronchial Asthma and Development of Comorbid Metabolic Pathology
The aim of the investigation was to demonstrate the feasibilities of using up-to-date methods of examination for assessing the effect of smoking on the course of bronchial asthma (BA) and development of comorbid metabolic pathology.
Materials and Methods. 201 patients with noncontrolled BA were investigated. Group 1 comprised 152 nonsmoking patients, group 2 included 18 smokers, group 3 consisted of 31 heavy smokers. Along with the general clinical methods of examination, external respiration function with evaluation of forced life capacity, forced expiratory volume in 1 second, and Tiffeneau index were investigated. To diagnose obesity, a bioelectrical impedance analysis was used, body mass index was determined, and waist measurements were performed. To study the carbohydrate metabolism, the level of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), immunoreactive insulin, and C-peptide were estimated.
Results. Waist measurements, bioelectrical impedance analysis, determination HbA1c, immunoreactive insulin, and C-peptide levels are established to play a great role in the diagnosis of comorbid endocrine pathology in BA. The severity of the disease in BA patients is aggravated by visceral obesity and diabetes mellitus, and cigarette smoking is an essential risk factor of their development. Long-term heavy smokers with BA are characterized by the addition of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and the development of overlap syndrome with an extremely severe course.
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