Novel Notions of the Mechanisms of Action of Doxorubicin and Ozone on Malignant Hepatic Cells
The aim of the investigation was to verify the similarity of triggering mechanisms of ozone and doxorubicin action on the culture of human malignant hepatic cells.
Materials and Methods. The effect of chemotherapeutic agent doxorubicin, ozone and their combination on malignant hepatic cells (SK-HEP-1) has been studied experimentally on the culture medium.
Results. A similar increase of free radical oxidation has been established to occur under the action of ozone and doxorubicin both separately and in combination. Their introduction in all variants elevated also the content of caspase-3 enzyme, and the levels of caspase-3 were substantially higher than in doxorubicin introduction. The results obtained show new mechanisms of ozone and doxorubicin effect on the viability and morphological alterations in malignant hepatic cells: activation of free radical oxidation induces necrotic and apoptotic changes in these cells via the increase of caspase quantity.
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